Resources and links (FMD)

List of resources for background information on the Falsified Medicines Directive and the Delegated Regulation. 

Consultation documents: 

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) 'On the Formation and Governance Model of a Joint Stakeholder-Run Verification System of Pharmaceutical Products in the UK' (June 2016)

European Medicines Verification Organisation: Requirements for the European Medicines Verification System – URS Lite (May 2016)


The European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO) is pleased to announce that the EMVO On-boarding Partner Portal (OBP Portal) is up and running. To facilitate the on-boarding of pharmaceutical companies to the EU Hub, the user-friendly web-based portal will guide pharmaceutical companies step by step through the process.

EU Commission

MHRA Portal and Guidance

The MHRA publish a regular newsletter. To join the mailing list provide your name, your organisation (if applicable) and your title (if applicable) to


SecurMed UK

Further information

Recent article from the Pharmaceutical Journal 'Brexit won't stop UK implementation of Falsified Medicines Directive'

Last modified: 20 September 2023

Last reviewed: 20 September 2023