Supply Chain

The supply chain workstream seeks to deliver capable and connected infrastructure, building understanding of medicines manufacturing supply chains, identifying opportunities to maximise supply and fostering non-competitive sector collaboration.

​​The supply chain workstream seeks to deliver capable and connected infrastructure, building understanding of medicines manufacturing supply chains, identifying opportunities to maximise supply and fostering non-competitive sector collaboration.

This includes a successful submission to the Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative to develop new digital design and manufacturing processes for medicines. This project has the potential to propel the UK to the forefront of medicinal product design and manufacture through modelling and simulation in medicines development in order to reduce uncertainty and make better, faster and safer design and operating decisions.

Finally, the Knowledge Transfer Network has developed an innovation landscape portal, which provides information on existing medicines manufacturers around the country.


'Making Pharmaceuticals: Collaborative Research and Translation in Medicines Manufacturing' - Clive Badman, OBE, Making Pharmaceuticals​ Conference Presentation


Last modified: 22 August 2024

Last reviewed: 22 August 2024