Medicines Manufacturing UK Landscape

The Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) have created a tool which aims to provide a visual dynamic representation of the UK Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Landscape. 

It is intended as a user friendly interface that presents a de-cluttered view of the UK opportunities to access support to drive manufacturing innovation and is available as a resource to all within and external to the UK The KTN has assimilated data through the lens of MMIP requirements, focusing on medicines of all types with respect to manufacturing in terms of medicines developers, manufacturers and broader supply chain to give an understanding of the company landscape in the UK. 

The data set also includes an analysis of the other capabilities and supporting organisations from academic expertise to Catapults Centres to Government bodies, Trade Associations and Learned Societies. The tool allows the user to see at top level a snapshot of this landscape and then explore under different categories and subheadings in terms of type of activity, location and signposting to the relevant website. The KTN referred to the BIS-held annually collected and now publicly available dataset that underpins the Life Sciences Strength and Opportunity Report. 

However currently this only houses company information, not the other capabilities in the broader landscape. Additionally, for the purposes of this analysis it was important to give an in-depth analysis of the medicines manufacturing landscape and so the KTN performed some additional analysis.

Last modified: 20 September 2023

Last reviewed: 20 September 2023