
Since implementation, industry disclosure requirements have evolved into the published document that it is today through UK regulation, instructions from the European Federation of​​ Pharmaceutical Industry Associations (EFPIA), influences from the US, and decisions made by ABPI Board members.

  • ​1958 ​First ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • ​1968 ​UK Medicines Act
  • ​2006 ​ABPI (UK) Code of Practice requires pharmaceutical companies to disclose their involvement with patient organisations including publishing a list of all patient organisations to which they provide financial support
  • ​2007 ​EFPIA Patient Organisation Code agreed to come into operation on 1 July 2008
  • ​2008 ​Revised ABPI Code of Practice
  • ​2010 ​US Healthcare Reform
  • ​2011 ​EFPIA updates Patient Organisation Code
  • ​2011 ​Revised ABPI Code of Practice required pharmaceutical companies to disclose monetary value of support with a value of £250 or more (threshold removed in 2012)
  • ​2012 ​The ABPI Code of Practice requires pharmaceutical companies to disclose payments to healthcare professionals in aggregate for the first time
  • ​2012 ​The ABPI Code of Practice requires pharmaceutical companies to disclose grants and donations made to healthcare organisations on a per activity basis
  • ​2013 ​US Sunshine Act established
  • ​2013 ​EFPIA Disclosure Code agreed in June 2013
  • ​2014 ​First US Sunshine Act report due​
  • ​2014 ​Revised ABPI Code of Practice
  • ​2015 ​Revised ABPI Code of Practice
  • ​2016 ​Revised ABPI Code of Practice
  • ​2016 ​First EFPIA Disclosures Report 2016
  • ​2016 ​Disclosure UK goes live on 30 June

Last modified: 01 July 2024

Last reviewed: 01 July 2024