The human and economic value of pharmaceutical innovation and opportunities for the NHS

The human and economic value of pharmaceutical innovation and opportunities for the NHS

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In this study we have focused on the value of innovation in medicines in the current and future treatment of two major disease areas for the UK, coronary heart disease (CHD) and Type 2 diabetes.

Innovative medicines for CHD have included statins (to lower cholesterol) and, for diabetes, tight management of the levels of blood glucose (sugar) through the use of new medicines. The objective of this study is to bring together the information on the cost of CHD and diabetes, and to understand the value of new medicines in managing these diseases.

In both cases, however, medicines are just one part of managing these diseases. It is acknowledged that other factors are important; the use of medicines generally needs to be complemented by changes in lifestyle including reducing smoking, increasing physical activity and adopting a healthy diet.

Last modified: 20 September 2023

Last reviewed: 20 September 2023