A–Z of medicines research

A–Z of medicines research

Publication date:

Publication ref: ABPI398/07

Publication size: 15.67 MB


The primary purpose of the A to Z was to provide an accessible, easy-to-use survey of current research in the pharmaceutical industry operating in Great Britain and overseas in 2007.

It is structured so as to be understandable to the non-specialist, and to act as a source of general information for everyone with a personal or professional interest in healthcare. It is not a scientific document, and no attempt is made to detail the many complex theories that underpin modern medical research: those parts that refer to the way medicines work are invariably over-simplified.

The section entitled ‘Medicines Research Today’ and the glossary define some of the technical terms used and attempt to put British medicines research into perspective within the world scene.

  • Research and Development

Last modified: 20 September 2023

Last reviewed: 20 September 2023