AstraZeneca - December 2021 - case study 1
Start date:
Standardised Asthma Review through Reduction in over-use of SABA & appropriate step down in over-treated patients in GM (STARRS-GM)
Link for further information
Project Aims and Objectives
- Proactive identification & review of “high risk” patients as defined by the NRAD criteria to optimise asthma management:
- Reduce SABA use in patients who may be over-reliant on their SABA inhaler.
- Identify Asthma patients who may be inappropriately prescribed high dose ICS therapy.
- Implementation of AAC recommendations: FeNO testing to support appropriate interventions, including referral to severe asthma clinics where appropriate
- Simplify & standardise asthma reviews through Implementation of LungHealth, an AI-based computer guided consultation tool
Achievements & Milestones
- Identifying High risk asthma: ≥6 SABA per year plus another NRAD ‘at risk’ criteria.
- Identifying Overtreated asthma: high dose ICS therapy (1,00-2,000+ beclomethasone equiv. ICS), where there is potential for down-titration of the patient’s medication.
- Allow appropriate interventions to avoid potential exacerbations or hospital admissions, including an enhanced self-management plan.
- Patients are provided education support from local asthma specialists, as well as access to SENTINEL info & MyAsthma.
- Establishment of an MDT for difficult-to-treat asthma patients.
Patient Benefit
- Over 1000 patients in Greater Manchester received asthma reviews to improve asthma diagnosis and management through STARRS-GM
- A large portion of the patients reviewed have gone on to receive a Personalised Asthma Action Plan (PAAP) as part of their care.
- Allow appropriate interventions to avoid potential exacerbations or hospital admissions, including an enhanced self-management plan.
GB-49317 October 2023
Last modified: 29 May 2024
Last reviewed: 29 May 2024