PIF TICK - ABPI is a trusted information creator

The PIF TICK is the only independently-assessed quality mark for print and digital health information. It helps people identify trusted, evidence-based information.
To gain the PIF TICK, health information producers must follow an accredited PIF TICK production process that meets 10 criteria.
- Systems: Information is created using a consistent and documented process.
- Training: Staff receive ongoing training and support.
- Need: Resources meet a genuine need.
- Evidence: Information is based on reliable, up-to-date evidence which is communicated clearly.
- Involving users: Users are involved in the development of information.
- Health inequalities: Information is written to meet health and digital literacy, language and accessibility needs of the target audience.
- Content and design: Information is clearly communicated, easy to access and navigate.
- Feedback: There is a clear process for users to provide feedback.
- Disseminating: Information is promoted to maximise reach.
- Impact: The impact of information is measured.
If you see the PIF TICK logo on a piece of health information, it means the organisation or individual who produced it is a Trusted Information Creator accredited by PIF.

The ABPI has produced this sourcebook to support pharmaceutical companies in working successfully and collaboratively with patients and patient organisations. We want to support relationships that are in the interests of patients and within the law and the ABPI Code. We also hope that the sourcebook will be helpful to patient organisations as they build partnerships with industry.

Transparency is essential when pharmaceutical companies work with patient organisations. The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry places requirements on industry to publish annual lists of payments to patient organisations, and we endorse this approach.

The ABPI has produced this sourcebook to support pharmaceutical companies, patients and patient organisations work together successfully, with relationships that are in the interests of patients and meet the standards set out in the 2021 ABPI Code of Practice.
Last modified: 18 October 2024
Last reviewed: 18 October 2024