ABPI statement on CBI

Following the news that the CBI has suspended all policy and membership activity until an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) in June, an ABPI spokesperson said:

“The CBI has done the right thing to suspend its activities with members until its current crisis has been thoroughly investigated and until appropriate steps have been taken to ensure good governance and the highest possible standards of conduct are assured. The ABPI, like everyone else, is deeply disturbed by the reported allegations and we will keep our membership of the organisation under review until such time that we are confident that the right steps have been taken.”

  • ABPI Statement
  • Corporate Responsibility
  • Trust

Last modified: 20 September 2023

Last reviewed: 20 September 2023

The ABPI exists to make the UK the best place in the world to research, develop and use new medicines. We represent companies of all sizes who invest in discovering the medicines of the future. 

Our members supply cutting edge treatments that improve and save the lives of millions of people. We work in partnership with Government and the NHS so patients can get new treatments faster and the NHS can plan how much it spends on medicines. Every day, we partner with organisations in the life sciences community and beyond to transform lives across the UK.