New EFPIA WAIT Indicators launched

The disparities in the time it takes for patients to access new medicines in different European countries have been revealed in a new piece of research.

Published today, the most comprehensive EFPIA WAIT Indicator Survey to date includes data on access to medicines in England and Scotland.

The findings show that England and Scotland do a good job at getting new medicines licenced for use. However, the wider picture remains that often the use of these medicines remains variable across the NHS. David Watson

In response, David Watson, Executive Director, Patient Access, at the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, said:

“The findings of the European WAIT study show that England and Scotland do a good job at getting new medicines licenced for use. However, the wider picture remains that often the use of these medicines remains variable across the NHS.

"Today's figures also show possible early signs that England is seeing a decrease in the breadth and speed of access to new medicines.

"To be truly Europe leading, Industry, NHS and Government must work together to deliver equal access to medicines for all NHS patients across England and Scotland. This would ultimately help reduce health inequalities and achieve ambitions of the UK to be a world leader as set out in the Governments Life Sciences Vision.”

  • Access

Last modified: 20 September 2023

Last reviewed: 20 September 2023

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