Support functions

Two men in an office setting are in conversation

As with all large organisations, pharmaceutical companies need an infrastructure to run them.

Within the pharmaceutical industry there are many people who are there to support the work of the scientists and manufacturers.

For example:

  • Legal experts carry out various important roles. These include ensuring that appropriate patents are taken out for the structure and synthesis of specific molecules as well as generating contracts for suppliers. Please see the Patenting page for more information on this role in industry.
  • Statisticians are involved at all stages, from ensuring that the animal studies will produce valid results, to monitoring process controls. For more information, please visit the Statisticians page.
  • Regulatory affairs pull together all the information that is needed for a medicine to be approved for marketing. For more information, please see the Regulatory Affairs page.

In addition to these, every large company needs departments such as Human ResourcesTraining & DevelopmentIT and Finance.